A plea to all anti-Trump Republicans
To all the Republicans who are anti-trump and are still considering voting for trump, why? Is it because you don’t like Biden, or you made up your mind to always vote Republican.
This is a plea for you to think over your decision really well. Why do you dislike Trump? Is it because he started a Coup, or because he took home top-secret documents and lied about them, or because he paid off women to not go to the press about him heating on his wife, or maybe the other horrible things he has done, or things you’re afraid he will do, like becoming a dictator?
If you can say yes to one or more of these then why vote for him? Because you don’t want to vote for Biden? Because you think Biden is not good for the country? Because you think he’s too old? Then ask yourself is the reason you’re thinking of voting for Trump better than the reason you refuse to vote for Biden. Do you think Biden is going to try and be a dictator? Do you think he paid off someone for something? Do you believe he’s working with a foreign government? He did have documents, but he said it was a mistake and he gave them back, he didn’t lie and say he didn’t have them only to find out he did.
Biden is old but he’s only four years older than Trump. He doesn’t bad mouth people who disagree with him, he doesn’t make up stupid names for people he doesn’t like, he doesn’t have an inflated ego and think he’s the best person on Earth and he hasn’t gone bankrupt 7 times. Trump even made money while he was president. I believe foreign governments gave him money, I believe he made his Secret Service pay to stay in his hotel. There is even the rumor he may have killed his ex-wife, plus I don’t even think Milania wants to be around him anymore.
If you don’t want to vote for neither then don’t, you can leave the president section of the ballot blank. We’d prefer you vote for Biden so there is a better chance he wins, and we won’t be in perpetual hell for who knows how long.
Trump says if he doesn’t win there will be blood, but if he wins there will be blood as well, he’s a narcissistic, sociopath with psychopathic tendencies and a perpetual liar, I think if he wins he’ll go after all of the people in office that is against him, he may even put people in prison who don’t agree with him.
If I only had a choice to vote for Trump or Nikki Haley, I’d vote for Haley because she’s the better of the two candidates. I don’t like Haley, she doesn’t align with my beliefs, but she’s not as bad as Trump.
I think we can agree on one thing, Trump is not the person to run our country. I don’t think he’d be a dictator for just one day, he’s lied so much already that I don’t trust him at all. I’m afraid he’s deny making the comment that “He’ll only be a dictator for the first day” and then we’re in trouble.
My psychologist says I catastrophize, and I know I probably do but in this case it’s because I know its possible. I see where this country is going, and it really scares me. This election could end the United States as we know it and bring it into a really dark time. Trump just picks people to work for him that agree with his lies and will help him make money, he doesn’t care about people, he’s even using his followers. Trump is a horrible person so please consider your vote, make it wisely instead of making it because you don’t like Biden who is the better of the two candidates.