Robert Kegel
Robert Kegel

Welcome to my page and thank you for stopping by. I'm just a normal guy with a strange brain that's trying to write those ideas down. I'm writing my first book, it's sci-fi and it's difficult but interesting. I also write stories and poetry. I write mostly sci-fi, horror, I try and write psychological sci-fi/horror.

Non-writing things I enjoy are going to see live bands, listening to music, camping, hiking, technology and a good (or ok) movie. I read when I can, which isn't as often as I'd like. I hope you like my little slice of Medium; I'll be putting things up slowly.

Medium member since April 2024
Connect with Robert Kegel
Robert Kegel

Robert Kegel


I’m just a guy, writing a blog about things that interest me, or bug me. Hopefully my thoughts get you thinking, if anything hopefully they’re entertaining.