And again you remind us of the man you are, with the articulation that can make anyone feel special like I know this made President Biden feel.
We have to beat Trump or this country will never be the same again, it'll be weak and a laughing stalk like it was when Trump was president last time, but worst because he'll do his best to harm our country. His followers don't see he's just a wolf in sheep's clothing, but we see him for what he really is, a con artist, thief and traitor.
Trump is good at two things, using other people, but he's also good at being used just by people saying he's great. He doesn't see the countries that say they love him actually are just using him to make us weak.
I don't know if this is true, but I heard Michelle was asked to run and said no. I had hoped that she would change her mind because I think she has the best chance of beating Trump. Not to put down Kamala Harris, but seeing Michelle as first lady showed us what a first lady should be like and she's smart, kind and would be a great leader. I understand her decision, it's a hard job and she saw it first hand.