Equality (part 1)

Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and only my thoughts. I’m writing this to get people thinking and talking.
This will be a two part article. The first part will be about equality of all people and the second part will be about equality between genders.
Equality. For everyone to be seen as equal to one another no mater of nationality, sex or economic status what will have to be done?
A lot has happened in the past four years, a lot of bad things. Not just the pandemic either which has killed so many people, but the hate that showed its ugly head. The hate that was there the whole time but hidden until one person made it ok for racists to let themselves be seen and heard all around.
If you’re Black, Asian, Hispanic, Muslim, any other nationality than white you have some sort of fear. Fear that you’re going to be pulled over and maybe shot or beaten by cops. Fear that you’re going to be harassed or worse by strangers on the street. Why? Because of the color of your skin, your beliefs or where you came from? How can people be so naive to not see we’re the same no matter what color or beliefs we have. We’re the human race, we all bleed, we all love, we all get happy and sad, we are equals and everyone should see this.
There is good and bad in every culture. To say one is worse than the other is just dumb. White people have done some horrible things and still do. The human race has done horrible things to each other. Sometimes I wonder if the human race is a virus and if we become extinct by global warming or war, we’d deserve it.
I’m trying not to talk about specific things that have happened. If you’ve seen the news, you know a lot has happened. This is a rant of my feelings and frustrations. If everyone was treated equal our lives would be so much richer. People wouldn’t have to live in fear because we could love each other and get equal pay, and equal rights. Walk down the street, look at your fellow humans, not as a specific color or what they’re wearing, but as fellow human being living on a planet together in a small portion of the solar system.
Astronauts say that when they go into space and look down on the Earth, they see things in a different prospective. To bad we all can’t have that chance.
I wish I had an answer how to bring everyone together. I don’t know if any single person can. I don’t know if any group of people can. Some say people can only change when they’re open to change or when something drastic happens to let them “see the light”. Like if a racist meets a specific person who does or says something to change their mind (and that same person may not be able to change anyone else's mind).
How does this get fixed? How do we bring on equality? That’s something I don’t know but I hope someone figures it out.