First of all, great article, you made a lot of great points.
I'm an extroverted introvert, I like going out with friends, going to live shows, but I also like my alone time. I have ADHD and slightly autistic. The ADHD makes it easy for me to get distracted and the autism gives me attention to detail. I look up as much as I can to make things seem as realistic as I can. I also have an unusual way of writing that most writers would probably scream. I do get writers block but a lot of time if I have a good prompt I can get past it. So, I have a few attributes from both intro and extrovert, which at times can make it difficult. I can't write with noise (no music, TV anything.) and I need to be left alone, if the phone rings or if someone tries to talk to me I could lose concentration for maybe that whole day depending on what the person talked to me about and how annoyed I get.