Goodbye American Dream
I hear a lot of trump supporters say, “trump did well for ME his first term.” So, you’re voting for someone who did well for you but harms millions of people. That’s greed and lack of respect for society. I vote for what’s good for the people, not just myself, because when society is strong, then everyone does better. Things don’t get better overnight, which is what trump supporters don’t understand. A lot of the things that happened in trumps first term was because of President Obama just like a lot of the bad shit that happened under Biden was because of trump. The democrats aren’t perfect, they mess up too, but I think most of them have good intentions while there isn’t a person that works under trump that’s looking after the people, they just want to funnel our money into their bank accounts. I think a lot of people are going to feel sorry they voted for trump in a year or so when his tariffs raise prices, and more violence is in the streets and when he guts services like Obamacare and social security that a lot of his supporters use. Say goodbye to any luck that schools will get more funding, say hello to paying even higher tuition fees and going into even more debt. Say goodbye to freedom of speech and hello too, if you say something a Karen doesn’t like they’ll sue you. Say goodbye to any chance of there being peace and togetherness in this country and say hello to violence, because that is what these people know. Say goodbye to diversity and freedoms for women, hello to the closest we’ll ever get to communism. I feel sad for our country. I used to think in time things may get better, but not if they keep going in this direction. My friends who have kids are going to have a hard time now. We thought the Internet was making kids antisocial and dumb. Wait till you see trumps second term, a whole new generation of ignorant poor people who have tons of hate in them. Because trump is going to gut the board of education and going to bring religion back into the classroom, science won’t be taught in schools. Instead they’ll teach religion, history books will be filled with more watered-down versions of time than they are now, and a lot more lies. A lot of things are going to surprise trump supporters, then our I told you so’s will mean nothing because it’ll be too late. Anyone who remembers smog alerts as a kid if you don’t, you will. All for a fake businessman who’s just a thief and a con man. It was nice while it lasted, goodbye American dream.