I've been saying for years putting things on paper is going to die. I have a few friends that like the paper book, I think novels are going to be like records, a few people will say they want paper books go live on, like you said most people read digitally or listen to audio books. A lot of people aren't going to movie theaters either, now that we have houses with 50+ inches and good sound systems why go to a theater with sticky floors and people kicking the back of your chair or talking.
I've been saying I'm writing a book, because of that reason. I'm probably going to digitally publish, it's cheaper so if it doesn't' sell I can be upset but then shrug it off. Actually, writing this book right now is a hobby and if I make enough money from it, then it'll be a job. This makes it simple, enjoy writing it, have fun with the challenge and don't sweat making money.