New age Little Red Riding Hood

8am Saturday morning at Red Riding Hoods house.
Hey, I’m Melinda Burgis, but people call me Little Red Riding Hood. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning; I did all my homework, so I have the whole weekend to do what I want. Sunday I’m supposed to go out with my friend Gina, but today I’m going to help my mother in the kitchen.
People Call me Little Red Riding Hood because I’m small, 4’7” 93 pounds, and I like to wear my signature red hoodie. Oh, I love this song!
She danced in the shower while Perennial from Jinjer played on Spotify.
I live a good life, I have great parents, my mother is a biology teacher at the high school I go to, and my fathers a Nuro surgeon, I guess that’s why I love bio so much. I hope to get into a good medical school and become a doctor too.
Melinda dried herself off, put on her clothes and walked into the kitchen where her mom was.
“It smells good, whatcha makin?”
“Meat pies, wanna help?”
“Sure, sounds good, maybe after we’re done, I’ll take some to grandma.”
“Eat something for breakfast then roll out the crust for me.”
I made myself some granola, quick but good, then I started rolling out the dough. When we made meat pies, we always made a lot, we’d freeze some and give grandma some. My grandmother is a cool old chick, she even likes some of my music.
“So, what do we have on the curriculum for this week in class?”
“Well Monday we’re dissecting frogs. How many people do you think will ask to go to the bathroom and puke?”
“I say at least 2, probably Bart and Ryan, they make just puke in class.”
Mom just laughed
I love school, I have an A average, and I graduate next year YAY! Rolling out dough is good arm exercise so I can kick ass in my Muay Tai class.
“How’s this mom?”
“That’s good, now get the filling from the fridge and we’ll fill them.”
Making the pies is fun, I let my mother make the dough, I hate doing that.
After they made the pies, Red put them and other goodies for grandma in her backpack.
“Be home for dinner, your father says he has something for you.”
“A surprise? What is it? Give me a hint!”
“Ummmm, no.” Her mother said with a smirk.
“Awww” I frowned “I’ll see you later.”
“Ok, remember stay on the trail.”
I nodded then left.
Red had her headphones on, listening to rock music and dancing around.
I love this time of year, the flowers are out, and the critters are playing. Ahead she saw a couple of squirrels running after each other.
She laughed.
I can cut off 20 minutes if I leave the trail, I can take care of myself, anyone tries to bother me, I’ll kick their ass.
Red walked off the trail. She picked some wildflowers for her grandmother.
This isn’t so bad; I don’t know why mom worries so much.
All of a sudden, a wolf jumped out at her, Red got into a fighting stance.
“Don’t fuck with me wolf or you’ll regret it, I’m almost a blackbelt in muay tai.”
“I’m not here to hurt you, I’m a pacifist. My name is David, what’s yours?”
“You can call me Red.”
“Nice to meet you Red, what are you up to?”
“I’m taking some goodies to my grandmother’s house.”
“You’re such a good Granddaughter.” The wolf grinned
“Thank you.” Red smiled
She was leery of the wolf and stood her distance.
“Well red, sorry I scared you; I better go. Stay safe” The wolf grinned
“You too.” Red said eyeing him.
There’s something fishy about him, a pacifist wolf, I don’t buy it.
About ten minutes later she got to grandma’s house. It was a small but nice place, a two bedroom, painted brown like the trees around it which kind of camouflaged it. She knocked on the door.
“Red, is that you? Come on in.” A voice said.
That doesn’t sound like my grandma, I hope she’s ok.
Red opened the door to a dark house.
“Grandma, why are the lights off? Are you ok?”
“I’m not feeling well and I have a migraine sweetie.” The voice coughed
“You sound different, you should have called and told us you were sick, I would have come sooner.”
“It’s ok sweetie, I didn’t want to bother you, it’s just a cold.”
Red squinted to see better.
“Why are your eyes so big.”
“So I can see you better.”
“Why are your ears so big.”
“So, I can hear you better.”
Red, slowly reached behind her back she had throwing knives in pockets she made in the waistband of her pants and pulled one out, hiding it behind her wrist ready to throw.
“So grandma, why are your teeth so big?”
“So, I can eat you.” The wolf jumped up onto the bed
Red dripped her backpack and as the wolf lunged at her, she punched him in the stomach. The wolf fell to the ground, the wolf got up and red took his paw and broke it, then flipped him down to the ground again, this time putting her foot on his throat.
“I had a feeling when I saw you in the woods. What did you do with my grandmother.”
“I was going to eat her, but you looked so much more tender I figured I’d save my appetite for you and save granny for some other time. She’s alive, freshly dead meat tastes best. Don’t hurt me anymore please.”
“Oh, this won’t hurt…much.”
Red stomped on his throat breaking his trachea, the wolf was dead.
Red threw the knife and hit the wolf in the eye, hitting his brain, he died instantly, blood started oozing out where the knife was. Red walked over, bent down, pulled out the knives and wiped them on her red hoodie.
Grandma! She yelled
She heard a light tapping on the closet door, she walked toward it and opened it. Her grandmother was tied up and gagged, sitting on the floor, she had a scratch on her face. Red took the gag off, then un-tied her.
“Are you ok?”
Red helped her grandmother up, she was in her 60’s and looked very good for her age.
“I’m fine, just a little scratched, he got to me before I could get my shotgun.”
“I’ll ask dad to give you a smaller gun.”
Grandma smiles.
“Oh, shit, your goodies, I hope they’re not to smashed.”
Red turned the lights on, then she opened her backpack and took out the zip-lock bag with the meat pies and then took out the other things, she put the pies on the table and put a plastic container with chocolate cake in it in the refrigerator and then she put in some fresh meat.
“Ok, not to bad.” They hugged.
“Hunting has been good; I’ll bring you more next time. So other than being tied up by a wolf, how have you been?”
“I’ve been good, been playing bingo online, May comes over every few days and we go into town.”
“That’s good to hear. Let me get this shit off your floor and I’ll mop up the mess. You just sit down and eat a meat pie.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
Red took a meat pie out of the bag and put it on a plate, then got her a glass of milk.
“Thank you.”
Red dragged the dead wolf out of the house, then put on some gloves, got a mop and a pale with water and soap, then cleaned up the blood. She saw the wolves’ dirty footprints on the sheets, she took them off and put them in the washer and put on new ones.
“You’re so good to your old grandmother.”
“You’re not old, you’re seasoned.”
They both laughed.
They played some poker.
“Grandma, you still got it, you’re kicking my ass.”
“I’ve been playing poker a long time, I won a couple of tournaments ya know.”
“Yeah, I still watch the videos sometimes.”
Grandma smiled and took Red’s hand.
A few hours later.
“Well, I better go before dinner starts, mom said dad has a surprise for me.”
“Yeah, she told me and no I’m not going to give you a hint.”
“You know me to well.”
They laughed
Grandma got up and Red gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Next weekend mom and dad are going to come and we’ll have a nice dinner and maybe I’ll beat you guys playing poker this time.”
“Maybe.” Grandma smiled.
Red put on her backpack, left the house and put the wolf in a wheelbarrow to take it home.
Wait till mom and dad see what I killed, and that I saved grandma. I’ll just have to not tell them I went off trail.
When she got home, she opened the door and her father was already home. She wheeled in the wolf and told them the story.
“I’m so glad you and grandma are ok.” Mom said
“I’ll take him down to the cellar, wanna join me Red.” Dad asked
Dad opened the cellar door, and they walked down the stairs. When her father turned on the lights there was a man alive, tied up to a table with an IV sticking out of his arm.
“Why don’t you cut the wolf up and put him in the freezer.” Red’s father put the wolf on another table.
Red put on gloves and an apron, then got out a bone saw and cut open the wolfs chest and spread them with a rib spreader, next she took out the guts, then she cut off his legs, head and then opened up his skull and took out his brain. Red, skinned all of the pieces, lastly, she opened the freezer, inside there were human and animal body parts. Red took the wolf parts and put them in bags, then neatly put them in the freezer.
“Can I do him please daddy.”
“Sure, but after dinner. Oh, and I have a present for you upstairs.”
Red smiled, took off her gloves, washed her hands, then they went upstairs. Her father took out a gift bag and when she opened it she pulled out a three inch hunting knife in a leather sheath.
“Wow, thanks dad!”
“You earned it, that’s for the next time we go hunting.”
Red gave her father a big hug, then they sat down to dinner.
After eating, Red and her father went down stairs.
The man was out from the sedative her father gave him. After putting on gloves and an apron, Red took the bone saw and made a cut down his chest, with a rib spreader she opened the man’s rib cage, like with the wolf she took out his guts and put them in a bowl next to her, then she took the saw and cut off the top of his head, she took out the mans brain and put it in another bowl. Red then cut off his arms and legs and scooped out his eyeballs. When she was done they bagged the body parts and put them in a second freezer. Then her father took a hose and sprayed the blood down a drain in the floor.
“I can give it a good cleaning tomorrow, lets wash up and watch a movie.” Dad said
They took off their gloves and aprons then walked upstairs, her father put his arm around her shoulder and said:
“You make me so proud.”
“Thanks dad.” Red smiled, putting her head against him.
8am Saturday morning at Red Riding Hoods house.
Hey, I’m Melinda Burgis, but people call me Little Red Riding Hood. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning; I did all my homework, so I have the whole weekend to do what I want. Sunday I’m supposed to go out with my friend Gina, but today I’m going to help my mother in the kitchen.
People Call me Little Red Riding Hood because I’m small, 4’7” 93 pounds, and I like to wear my signature red hoodie. Oh, I love this song!
She danced in the shower while Perennial from Jinjer played on Spotify.
I live a good life, I have great parents, my mother is a biology teacher at the high school I go to, and my fathers a Nuro surgeon, I guess that’s why I love bio so much. I hope to get into a good medical school and become a doctor too.
Melinda dried herself off, put on her clothes and walked into the kitchen where her mom was.
“It smells good, whatcha makin?”
“Meat pies, wanna help?”
“Sure, sounds good, maybe after we’re done, I’ll take some to grandma.”
“Eat something for breakfast then roll out the crust for me.”
I made myself some granola, quick but good, then I started rolling out the dough. When we made meat pies, we always made a lot, we’d freeze some and give grandma some. My grandmother is a cool old chick, she even likes some of my music.
“So, what do we have on the curriculum for this week in class?”
“Well Monday we’re dissecting frogs. How many people do you think will ask to go to the bathroom and puke?”
“I say at least 2, probably Bart and Ryan, they make just puke in class.”
Mom just laughed
I love school, I have an A average, and I graduate next year YAY! Rolling out dough is good arm exercise so I can kick ass in my Muay Tai class.
“How’s this mom?”
“That’s good, now get the filling from the fridge and we’ll fill them.”
Making the pies is fun, I let my mother make the dough, I hate doing that.
After they made the pies, Red put them and other goodies for grandma in her backpack.
“Be home for dinner, your father says he has something for you.”
“A surprise? What is it? Give me a hint!”
“Ummmm, no.” Her mother said with a smirk.
“Awww” I frowned “I’ll see you later.”
“Ok, remember stay on the trail.”
I nodded then left.
Red had her headphones on, listening to rock music and dancing around.
I love this time of year, the flowers are out, and the critters are playing. Ahead she saw a couple of squirrels running after each other.
She laughed.
I can cut off 20 minutes if I leave the trail, I can take care of myself, anyone tries to bother me, I’ll kick their ass.
Red walked off the trail. She picked some wildflowers for her grandmother.
This isn’t so bad; I don’t know why mom worries so much.
All of a sudden, a wolf jumped out at her, Red got into a fighting stance.
“Don’t fuck with me wolf or you’ll regret it, I’m almost a blackbelt in muay tai.”
“I’m not here to hurt you, I’m a pacifist. My name is David, what’s yours?”
“You can call me Red.”
“Nice to meet you Red, what are you up to?”
“I’m taking some goodies to my grandmother’s house.”
“You’re such a good Granddaughter.” The wolf grinned
“Thank you.” Red smiled
She was leery of the wolf and stood her distance.
“Well red, sorry I scared you; I better go. Stay safe” The wolf grinned
“You too.” Red said eyeing him.
There’s something fishy about him, a pacifist wolf, I don’t buy it.
About ten minutes later she got to grandma’s house. It was a small but nice place, a two bedroom, painted brown like the trees around it which kind of camouflaged it. She knocked on the door.
“Red, is that you? Come on in.” A voice said.
That doesn’t sound like my grandma, I hope she’s ok.
Red opened the door to a dark house.
“Grandma, why are the lights off? Are you ok?”
“I’m not feeling well and I have a migraine sweetie.” The voice coughed
“You sound different, you should have called and told us you were sick, I would have come sooner.”
“It’s ok sweetie, I didn’t want to bother you, it’s just a cold.”
Red squinted to see better.
“Why are your eyes so big.”
“So I can see you better.”
“Why are your ears so big.”
“So, I can hear you better.”
Red, slowly reached behind her back she had throwing knives in pockets she made in the waistband of her pants and pulled one out, hiding it behind her wrist ready to throw.
“So grandma, why are your teeth so big?”
“So, I can eat you.” The wolf jumped up onto the bed
Red dripped her backpack and as the wolf lunged at her, she punched him in the stomach. The wolf fell to the ground, the wolf got up and red took his paw and broke it, then flipped him down to the ground again, this time putting her foot on his throat.
“I had a feeling when I saw you in the woods. What did you do with my grandmother.”
“I was going to eat her, but you looked so much more tender I figured I’d save my appetite for you and save granny for some other time. She’s alive, freshly dead meat tastes best. Don’t hurt me anymore please.”
“Oh, this won’t hurt…much.”
Red stomped on his throat breaking his trachea, the wolf was dead.
Red threw the knife and hit the wolf in the eye, hitting his brain, he died instantly, blood started oozing out where the knife was. Red walked over, bent down, pulled out the knives and wiped them on her red hoodie.
Grandma! She yelled
She heard a light tapping on the closet door, she walked toward it and opened it. Her grandmother was tied up and gagged, sitting on the floor, she had a scratch on her face. Red took the gag off, then un-tied her.
“Are you ok?”
Red helped her grandmother up, she was in her 60’s and looked very good for her age.
“I’m fine, just a little scratched, he got to me before I could get my shotgun.”
“I’ll ask dad to give you a smaller gun.”
Grandma smiles.
“Oh, shit, your goodies, I hope they’re not to smashed.”
Red turned the lights on, then she opened her backpack and took out the zip-lock bag with the meat pies and then took out the other things, she put the pies on the table and put a plastic container with chocolate cake in it in the refrigerator and then she put in some fresh meat.
“Ok, not to bad.” They hugged.
“Hunting has been good; I’ll bring you more next time. So other than being tied up by a wolf, how have you been?”
“I’ve been good, been playing bingo online, May comes over every few days and we go into town.”
“That’s good to hear. Let me get this shit off your floor and I’ll mop up the mess. You just sit down and eat a meat pie.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
Red took a meat pie out of the bag and put it on a plate, then got her a glass of milk.
“Thank you.”
Red dragged the dead wolf out of the house, then put on some gloves, got a mop and a pale with water and soap, then cleaned up the blood. She saw the wolves’ dirty footprints on the sheets, she took them off and put them in the washer and put on new ones.
“You’re so good to your old grandmother.”
“You’re not old, you’re seasoned.”
They both laughed.
They played some poker.
“Grandma, you still got it, you’re kicking my ass.”
“I’ve been playing poker a long time, I won a couple of tournaments ya know.”
“Yeah, I still watch the videos sometimes.”
Grandma smiled and took Red’s hand.
A few hours later.
“Well, I better go before dinner starts, mom said dad has a surprise for me.”
“Yeah, she told me and no I’m not going to give you a hint.”
“You know me to well.”
They laughed
Grandma got up and Red gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Next weekend mom and dad are going to come and we’ll have a nice dinner and maybe I’ll beat you guys playing poker this time.”
“Maybe.” Grandma smiled.
Red put on her backpack, left the house and put the wolf in a wheelbarrow to take it home.
Wait till mom and dad see what I killed, and that I saved grandma. I’ll just have to not tell them I went off trail.
When she got home, she opened the door and her father was already home. She wheeled in the wolf and told them the story.
“I’m so glad you and grandma are ok.” Mom said
“I’ll take him down to the cellar, wanna join me Red.” Dad asked
Dad opened the cellar door, and they walked down the stairs. When her father turned on the lights there was a man alive, tied up to a table with an IV sticking out of his arm.
“Why don’t you cut the wolf up and put him in the freezer.” Red’s father put the wolf on another table.
Red put on gloves and an apron, then got out a bone saw and cut open the wolfs chest and spread them with a rib spreader, next she took out the guts, then she cut off his legs, head and then opened up his skull and took out his brain. Red, skinned all of the pieces, lastly, she opened the freezer, inside there were human and animal body parts. Red took the wolf parts and put them in bags, then neatly put them in the freezer.
“Can I do him please daddy.”
“Sure, but after dinner. Oh, and I have a present for you upstairs.”
Red smiled, took off her gloves, washed her hands, then they went upstairs. Her father took out a gift bag and when she opened it she pulled out a three inch hunting knife in a leather sheath.
“Wow, thanks dad!”
“You earned it, that’s for the next time we go hunting.”
Red gave her father a big hug, then they sat down to dinner.
After eating, Red and her father went down stairs.
The man was out from the sedative her father gave him. After putting on gloves and an apron, Red took the bone saw and made a cut down his chest, with a rib spreader she opened the man’s rib cage, like with the wolf she took out his guts and put them in a bowl next to her, then she took the saw and cut off the top of his head, she took out the mans brain and put it in another bowl. Red then cut off his arms and legs and scooped out his eyeballs. When she was done they bagged the body parts and put them in a second freezer. Then her father took a hose and sprayed the blood down a drain in the floor.
“I can give it a good cleaning tomorrow, lets wash up and watch a movie.” Dad said
They took off their gloves and aprons then walked upstairs, her father put his arm around her shoulder and said:
“You make me so proud.”
“Thanks dad.” Red smiled, putting her head against him.8am Saturday morning at Red Riding Hoods house.
Hey, I’m Melinda Burgis, but people call me Little Red Riding Hood. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning; I did all my homework, so I have the whole weekend to do what I want. Sunday I’m supposed to go out with my friend Gina, but today I’m going to help my mother in the kitchen.
People Call me Little Red Riding Hood because I’m small, 4’7” 93 pounds, and I like to wear my signature red hoodie. Oh, I love this song!
She danced in the shower while Perennial from Jinjer played on Spotify.
I live a good life, I have great parents, my mother is a biology teacher at the high school I go to, and my fathers a Nuro surgeon, I guess that’s why I love bio so much. I hope to get into a good medical school and become a doctor too.
Melinda dried herself off, put on her clothes and walked into the kitchen where her mom was.
“It smells good, whatcha makin?”
“Meat pies, wanna help?”
“Sure, sounds good, maybe after we’re done, I’ll take some to grandma.”
“Eat something for breakfast then roll out the crust for me.”
I made myself some granola, quick but good, then I started rolling out the dough. When we made meat pies, we always made a lot, we’d freeze some and give grandma some. My grandmother is a cool old chick, she even likes some of my music.
“So, what do we have on the curriculum for this week in class?”
“Well Monday we’re dissecting frogs. How many people do you think will ask to go to the bathroom and puke?”
“I say at least 2, probably Bart and Ryan, they make just puke in class.”
Mom just laughed
I love school, I have an A average, and I graduate next year YAY! Rolling out dough is good arm exercise so I can kick ass in my Muay Tai class.
“How’s this mom?”
“That’s good, now get the filling from the fridge and we’ll fill them.”
Making the pies is fun, I let my mother make the dough, I hate doing that.
After they made the pies, Red put them and other goodies for grandma in her backpack.
“Be home for dinner, your father says he has something for you.”
“A surprise? What is it? Give me a hint!”
“Ummmm, no.” Her mother said with a smirk.
“Awww” I frowned “I’ll see you later.”
“Ok, remember stay on the trail.”
I nodded then left.
Red had her headphones on, listening to rock music and dancing around.
I love this time of year, the flowers are out, and the critters are playing. Ahead she saw a couple of squirrels running after each other.
She laughed.
I can cut off 20 minutes if I leave the trail, I can take care of myself, anyone tries to bother me, I’ll kick their ass.
Red walked off the trail. She picked some wildflowers for her grandmother.
This isn’t so bad; I don’t know why mom worries so much.
All of a sudden, a wolf jumped out at her, Red got into a fighting stance.
“Don’t fuck with me wolf or you’ll regret it, I’m almost a blackbelt in muay tai.”
“I’m not here to hurt you, I’m a pacifist. My name is David, what’s yours?”
“You can call me Red.”
“Nice to meet you Red, what are you up to?”
“I’m taking some goodies to my grandmother’s house.”
“You’re such a good Granddaughter.” The wolf grinned
“Thank you.” Red smiled
She was leery of the wolf and stood her distance.
“Well red, sorry I scared you; I better go. Stay safe” The wolf grinned
“You too.” Red said eyeing him.
There’s something fishy about him, a pacifist wolf, I don’t buy it.
About ten minutes later she got to grandma’s house. It was a small but nice place, a two bedroom, painted brown like the trees around it which kind of camouflaged it. She knocked on the door.
“Red, is that you? Come on in.” A voice said.
That doesn’t sound like my grandma, I hope she’s ok.
Red opened the door to a dark house.
“Grandma, why are the lights off? Are you ok?”
“I’m not feeling well and I have a migraine sweetie.” The voice coughed
“You sound different, you should have called and told us you were sick, I would have come sooner.”
“It’s ok sweetie, I didn’t want to bother you, it’s just a cold.”
Red squinted to see better.
“Why are your eyes so big.”
“So I can see you better.”
“Why are your ears so big.”
“So, I can hear you better.”
Red, slowly reached behind her back she had throwing knives in pockets she made in the waistband of her pants and pulled one out, hiding it behind her wrist ready to throw.
“So grandma, why are your teeth so big?”
“So, I can eat you.” The wolf jumped up onto the bed
Red dripped her backpack and as the wolf lunged at her, she punched him in the stomach. The wolf fell to the ground, the wolf got up and red took his paw and broke it, then flipped him down to the ground again, this time putting her foot on his throat.
“I had a feeling when I saw you in the woods. What did you do with my grandmother.”
“I was going to eat her, but you looked so much more tender I figured I’d save my appetite for you and save granny for some other time. She’s alive, freshly dead meat tastes best. Don’t hurt me anymore please.”
“Oh, this won’t hurt…much.”
Red stomped on his throat breaking his trachea, the wolf was dead.
Red threw the knife and hit the wolf in the eye, hitting his brain, he died instantly, blood started oozing out where the knife was. Red walked over, bent down, pulled out the knives and wiped them on her red hoodie.
Grandma! She yelled
She heard a light tapping on the closet door, she walked toward it and opened it. Her grandmother was tied up and gagged, sitting on the floor, she had a scratch on her face. Red took the gag off, then un-tied her.
“Are you ok?”
Red helped her grandmother up, she was in her 60’s and looked very good for her age.
“I’m fine, just a little scratched, he got to me before I could get my shotgun.”
“I’ll ask dad to give you a smaller gun.”
Grandma smiles.
“Oh, shit, your goodies, I hope they’re not to smashed.”
Red turned the lights on, then she opened her backpack and took out the zip-lock bag with the meat pies and then took out the other things, she put the pies on the table and put a plastic container with chocolate cake in it in the refrigerator and then she put in some fresh meat.
“Ok, not to bad.” They hugged.
“Hunting has been good; I’ll bring you more next time. So other than being tied up by a wolf, how have you been?”
“I’ve been good, been playing bingo online, May comes over every few days and we go into town.”
“That’s good to hear. Let me get this shit off your floor and I’ll mop up the mess. You just sit down and eat a meat pie.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
Red took a meat pie out of the bag and put it on a plate, then got her a glass of milk.
“Thank you.”
Red dragged the dead wolf out of the house, then put on some gloves, got a mop and a pale with water and soap, then cleaned up the blood. She saw the wolves’ dirty footprints on the sheets, she took them off and put them in the washer and put on new ones.
“You’re so good to your old grandmother.”
“You’re not old, you’re seasoned.”
They both laughed.
They played some poker.
“Grandma, you still got it, you’re kicking my ass.”
“I’ve been playing poker a long time, I won a couple of tournaments ya know.”
“Yeah, I still watch the videos sometimes.”
Grandma smiled and took Red’s hand.
A few hours later.
“Well, I better go before dinner starts, mom said dad has a surprise for me.”
“Yeah, she told me and no I’m not going to give you a hint.”
“You know me to well.”
They laughed
Grandma got up and Red gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Next weekend mom and dad are going to come and we’ll have a nice dinner and maybe I’ll beat you guys playing poker this time.”
“Maybe.” Grandma smiled.
Red put on her backpack, left the house and put the wolf in a wheelbarrow to take it home.
Wait till mom and dad see what I killed, and that I saved grandma. I’ll just have to not tell them I went off trail.
When she got home, she opened the door and her father was already home. She wheeled in the wolf and told them the story.
“I’m so glad you and grandma are ok.” Mom said
“I’ll take him down to the cellar, wanna join me Red.” Dad asked
Dad opened the cellar door, and they walked down the stairs. When her father turned on the lights there was a man alive, tied up to a table with an IV sticking out of his arm.
“Why don’t you cut the wolf up and put him in the freezer.” Red’s father put the wolf on another table.
Red put on gloves and an apron, then got out a bone saw and cut open the wolfs chest and spread them with a rib spreader, next she took out the guts, then she cut off his legs, head and then opened up his skull and took out his brain. Red, skinned all of the pieces, lastly, she opened the freezer, inside there were human and animal body parts. Red took the wolf parts and put them in bags, then neatly put them in the freezer.
“Can I do him please daddy.”
“Sure, but after dinner. Oh, and I have a present for you upstairs.”
Red smiled, took off her gloves, washed her hands, then they went upstairs. Her father took out a gift bag and when she opened it she pulled out a three inch hunting knife in a leather sheath.
“Wow, thanks dad!”
“You earned it, that’s for the next time we go hunting.”
Red gave her father a big hug, then they sat down to dinner.
After eating, Red and her father went down stairs.
The man was out from the sedative her father gave him. After putting on gloves and an apron, Red took the bone saw and made a cut down his chest, with a rib spreader she opened the man’s rib cage, like with the wolf she took out his guts and put them in a bowl next to her, then she took the saw and cut off the top of his head, she took out the mans brain and put it in another bowl. Red then cut off his arms and legs and scooped out his eyeballs. When she was done they bagged the body parts and put them in a second freezer. Then her father took a hose and sprayed the blood down a drain in the floor.
“I can give it a good cleaning tomorrow, lets wash up and watch a movie.” Dad said
They took off their gloves and aprons then walked upstairs, her father put his arm around her shoulder and said:
“You make me so proud.”
“Thanks dad.” Red smiled, putting her head against him.
8am Saturday morning at Red Riding Hoods house.
Hey, I’m Melinda Burgis, but people call me Little Red Riding Hood. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning; I did all my homework, so I have the whole weekend to do what I want. Sunday I’m supposed to go out with my friend Gina, but today I’m going to help my mother in the kitchen.
People Call me Little Red Riding Hood because I’m small, 4’7” 93 pounds, and I like to wear my signature red hoodie. Oh, I love this song!
She danced in the shower while Perennial from Jinjer played on Spotify.
I live a good life, I have great parents, my mother is a biology teacher at the high school I go to, and my fathers a Nuro surgeon, I guess that’s why I love bio so much. I hope to get into a good medical school and become a doctor too.
Melinda dried herself off, put on her clothes and walked into the kitchen where her mom was.
“It smells good, whatcha makin?”
“Meat pies, wanna help?”
“Sure, sounds good, maybe after we’re done, I’ll take some to grandma.”
“Eat something for breakfast then roll out the crust for me.”
I made myself some granola, quick but good, then I started rolling out the dough. When we made meat pies, we always made a lot, we’d freeze some and give grandma some. My grandmother is a cool old chick, she even likes some of my music.
“So, what do we have on the curriculum for this week in class?”
“Well Monday we’re dissecting frogs. How many people do you think will ask to go to the bathroom and puke?”
“I say at least 2, probably Bart and Ryan, they make just puke in class.”
Mom just laughed
I love school, I have an A average, and I graduate next year YAY! Rolling out dough is good arm exercise so I can kick ass in my Muay Tai class.
“How’s this mom?”
“That’s good, now get the filling from the fridge and we’ll fill them.”
Making the pies is fun, I let my mother make the dough, I hate doing that.
After they made the pies, Red put them and other goodies for grandma in her backpack.
“Be home for dinner, your father says he has something for you.”
“A surprise? What is it? Give me a hint!”
“Ummmm, no.” Her mother said with a smirk.
“Awww” I frowned “I’ll see you later.”
“Ok, remember stay on the trail.”
I nodded then left.
Red had her headphones on, listening to rock music and dancing around.
I love this time of year, the flowers are out, and the critters are playing. Ahead she saw a couple of squirrels running after each other.
She laughed.
I can cut off 20 minutes if I leave the trail, I can take care of myself, anyone tries to bother me, I’ll kick their ass.
Red walked off the trail. She picked some wildflowers for her grandmother.
This isn’t so bad; I don’t know why mom worries so much.
All of a sudden, a wolf jumped out at her, Red got into a fighting stance.
“Don’t fuck with me wolf or you’ll regret it, I’m almost a blackbelt in muay tai.”
“I’m not here to hurt you, I’m a pacifist. My name is David, what’s yours?”
“You can call me Red.”
“Nice to meet you Red, what are you up to?”
“I’m taking some goodies to my grandmother’s house.”
“You’re such a good Granddaughter.” The wolf grinned
“Thank you.” Red smiled
She was leery of the wolf and stood her distance.
“Well red, sorry I scared you; I better go. Stay safe” The wolf grinned
“You too.” Red said eyeing him.
There’s something fishy about him, a pacifist wolf, I don’t buy it.
About ten minutes later she got to grandma’s house. It was a small but nice place, a two bedroom, painted brown like the trees around it which kind of camouflaged it. She knocked on the door.
“Red, is that you? Come on in.” A voice said.
That doesn’t sound like my grandma, I hope she’s ok.
Red opened the door to a dark house.
“Grandma, why are the lights off? Are you ok?”
“I’m not feeling well and I have a migraine sweetie.” The voice coughed
“You sound different, you should have called and told us you were sick, I would have come sooner.”
“It’s ok sweetie, I didn’t want to bother you, it’s just a cold.”
Red squinted to see better.
“Why are your eyes so big.”
“So I can see you better.”
“Why are your ears so big.”
“So, I can hear you better.”
Red, slowly reached behind her back she had throwing knives in pockets she made in the waistband of her pants and pulled one out, hiding it behind her wrist ready to throw.
“So grandma, why are your teeth so big?”
“So, I can eat you.” The wolf jumped up onto the bed
Red dripped her backpack and as the wolf lunged at her, she punched him in the stomach. The wolf fell to the ground, the wolf got up and red took his paw and broke it, then flipped him down to the ground again, this time putting her foot on his throat.
“I had a feeling when I saw you in the woods. What did you do with my grandmother.”
“I was going to eat her, but you looked so much more tender I figured I’d save my appetite for you and save granny for some other time. She’s alive, freshly dead meat tastes best. Don’t hurt me anymore please.”
“Oh, this won’t hurt…much.”
Red stomped on his throat breaking his trachea, the wolf was dead.
Red threw the knife and hit the wolf in the eye, hitting his brain, he died instantly, blood started oozing out where the knife was. Red walked over, bent down, pulled out the knives and wiped them on her red hoodie.
Grandma! She yelled
She heard a light tapping on the closet door, she walked toward it and opened it. Her grandmother was tied up and gagged, sitting on the floor, she had a scratch on her face. Red took the gag off, then un-tied her.
“Are you ok?”
Red helped her grandmother up, she was in her 60’s and looked very good for her age.
“I’m fine, just a little scratched, he got to me before I could get my shotgun.”
“I’ll ask dad to give you a smaller gun.”
Grandma smiles.
“Oh, shit, your goodies, I hope they’re not to smashed.”
Red turned the lights on, then she opened her backpack and took out the zip-lock bag with the meat pies and then took out the other things, she put the pies on the table and put a plastic container with chocolate cake in it in the refrigerator and then she put in some fresh meat.
“Ok, not to bad.” They hugged.
“Hunting has been good; I’ll bring you more next time. So other than being tied up by a wolf, how have you been?”
“I’ve been good, been playing bingo online, May comes over every few days and we go into town.”
“That’s good to hear. Let me get this shit off your floor and I’ll mop up the mess. You just sit down and eat a meat pie.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
Red took a meat pie out of the bag and put it on a plate, then got her a glass of milk.
“Thank you.”
Red dragged the dead wolf out of the house, then put on some gloves, got a mop and a pale with water and soap, then cleaned up the blood. She saw the wolves’ dirty footprints on the sheets, she took them off and put them in the washer and put on new ones.
“You’re so good to your old grandmother.”
“You’re not old, you’re seasoned.”
They both laughed.
They played some poker.
“Grandma, you still got it, you’re kicking my ass.”
“I’ve been playing poker a long time, I won a couple of tournaments ya know.”
“Yeah, I still watch the videos sometimes.”
Grandma smiled and took Red’s hand.
A few hours later.
“Well, I better go before dinner starts, mom said dad has a surprise for me.”
“Yeah, she told me and no I’m not going to give you a hint.”
“You know me to well.”
They laughed
Grandma got up and Red gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Next weekend mom and dad are going to come and we’ll have a nice dinner and maybe I’ll beat you guys playing poker this time.”
“Maybe.” Grandma smiled.
Red put on her backpack, left the house and put the wolf in a wheelbarrow to take it home.
Wait till mom and dad see what I killed, and that I saved grandma. I’ll just have to not tell them I went off trail.
When she got home, she opened the door and her father was already home. She wheeled in the wolf and told them the story.
“I’m so glad you and grandma are ok.” Mom said
“I’ll take him down to the cellar, wanna join me Red.” Dad asked
Dad opened the cellar door, and they walked down the stairs. When her father turned on the lights there was a man alive, tied up to a table with an IV sticking out of his arm.
“Why don’t you cut the wolf up and put him in the freezer.” Red’s father put the wolf on another table.
Red put on gloves and an apron, then got out a bone saw and cut open the wolfs chest and spread them with a rib spreader, next she took out the guts, then she cut off his legs, head and then opened up his skull and took out his brain. Red, skinned all of the pieces, lastly, she opened the freezer, inside there were human and animal body parts. Red took the wolf parts and put them in bags, then neatly put them in the freezer.
“Can I do him please daddy.”
“Sure, but after dinner. Oh, and I have a present for you upstairs.”
Red smiled, took off her gloves, washed her hands, then they went upstairs. Her father took out a gift bag and when she opened it she pulled out a three inch hunting knife in a leather sheath.
“Wow, thanks dad!”
“You earned it, that’s for the next time we go hunting.”
Red gave her father a big hug, then they sat down to dinner.
After eating, Red and her father went down stairs.
The man was out from the sedative her father gave him. After putting on gloves and an apron, Red took the bone saw and made a cut down his chest, with a rib spreader she opened the man’s rib cage, like with the wolf she took out his guts and put them in a bowl next to her, then she took the saw and cut off the top of his head, she took out the mans brain and put it in another bowl. Red then cut off his arms and legs and scooped out his eyeballs. When she was done they bagged the body parts and put them in a second freezer. Then her father took a hose and sprayed the blood down a drain in the floor.
“I can give it a good cleaning tomorrow, lets wash up and watch a movie.” Dad said
They took off their gloves and aprons then walked upstairs, her father put his arm around her shoulder and said:
“You make me so proud.”
“Thanks dad.” Red smiled, putting her head against him.