Why I don’t use Apple products

Everyone who knows me well knows I’m not a fan of Apple’s products or them as a company. I think they’re OS’ are boring and unoriginal. Some will say “they’re made to be simple” but I don’t find them simple either.
I really don’t like them as a company. They lie to their customers, when something happens they try and blame them and they don’t care about the world as a whole. They hide behind security but I don’t think they’re as secure as they say they are. To me they hide behind a “luxury item” disguise.
I think Apple is a dangerous company to tech. They sue over things while also stealing others IP. They take the best of other’s tech while other companies take their bad ideas (getting rid of the head phone jack, glass back of phones and tablets, sealing up devices so they can’t be easily worked on and batteries can’t be changed). They do all these things for their own benefit while other companies follow. Then they take ideas like pull down notification, widgets, and the antenna setup that HTC created.
When their phones dropped calls because of their antenna set up (pre HTC thievery) they blamed it on their users and they were holding the phone wrong. Then they said “get a case” and only after enough people complained they finally gave a cheap case to users who jumped through hoops to get one. Same when the glass backs started shattering, they said “get a case”. They never take responsibility for their mistakes and that’s also dangerous because people start to believe it is their fault instead of getting angry at Apple for their mistakes.
Then there is their dealing with Foxconn. This company pays their people close to nothing and over works them. Things go so bad that workers started jumping off buildings to commit suicide. What did Apple do? Nothing. What did Foxconn do? They put up nets so workers couldn’t jump. I know many companies use Foxconn but Apple is their number 1 customer so I think they’d have some weight if they decided to speak up against their business practices, but they don’t because they don’t seem to care.
I know what I’m writing is a subject people are going to not like. Some are in denial because they love their Apple products and some may just not care. I think companies should confess their mistakes and apologize for them at the least. When the Xbox 360 started red ringing Microsoft fixed Xbox’s for free. When Samsung phones caught on fire, Samsung took back the phones and even bought a bed for someone who’s phone caught on fire and the bed burned. Companies that do the right thing deserve our respect but companies that don’t shouldn't have it.
I’m not saying people shouldn’t use Apple products, that’s up to them (I’d like to see people get angry and not use them, but it’s not up to me to tell people what to do). I’m writing this so maybe people will think. They’ll think about the type of companies and products they use. Companies are getting away with way to much, it’s getting so bad they’re persuading law makers with their lobbyists and the laws aren’t always in our best interest.
We as consumers have a voice, and that voice is to not use products from companies that do wrong. The only way you can make a company change is by going into their pocket book, money loss will always get their interest, but it just can’t be a handful of people, it has to be enough for it to hurt their bottom line.